Quantus Learning® is Just Simply Better: Top 6 Reasons Why It Beats Tuition Centres & Home Tutors
Powerful, Proven and Popular
Advanced Pedagogy, Learning Technology and Diagnostics
Every Child is Uniquely Gifted
All children are unique. So why should their learning be the same like everyone else? We harness their Multiple Intelligences, Cognitive-Motivational features and Learning Profiles to help them be their greatest
Quantus Personalised Learning™
Infinito™ Brain Fitness Training
All-in-One Holistic Development
Why International Award-Winning Quantus Learning® Achieves Over 98.3% Academic Success Rates for Our Students?

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Learning has never been so revolutionary, powerful and proven.
20 Years in the making. The Learning Revolution is now here for every child. More than just tuition.
The Quest: Every Child Deserves Success in School and Life Our Method: Putting Your Child at the Centre of the Learning Universe

More than just Tuition Classes
The days are gone when parents sent their children for tuition to do well in their studies through additional classes. Quantus Learning is everything and more. It is the future, now. Experience our Qlasses™.
Individualised and Differentiated
Every session is individualised to the child’s learning abilities and brain features, and the learning takes place at the child’s own pace, with different resources and instruction.
Preschool, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Levels
Our methodology works for young children from as young as 1 year old to young adults as old as 20 years and above.
Choose Individualised Coaching Ratio
You can start off with the standard coaching ratio of 1:8, or upgrade to a more personalised attention of 1:1, 1:2 or 1:4.
Maths, English, Science, Chinese, Malay and More!
We offer almost all subjects in different education systems, including Singapore’s SEAB and MOE syllabuses (PSLE, N Level, O Level, A Level).
Studio-based or Home-based
Choose for your child to come over at our Qlass™ Studios or if it is more convenient, our coaches will travel to the venue of your choice, including your own home!
BrainCore Infinity™ Diagnostics Processed
Brain Fitness Improvement Rate
Improvement in Grades
Weekly Coaching Programmes Students Have Enrolled In
Core Features of Quantus Learning Method

Quantus Personalised Learning™

MEALS Kinetics™

Self-Directed Mastery Learning Pathways™

BrainCore Infinity™ Principles

Learning Quantum Dots™

SuperStudy Skills™ and EQnetics™

Results Oriented

World-Class Research-Backed

Flexibility Fitting Your Child

Download 'Unleashing Brilliance' (Second Edition)
Maximizing Your Child's Learning Potential with the BrainCore Infinity Diagnostics™ Suite and MLAS™
Ready to create greatness for your child?
Quantus Learning®
Brain-based Personalized Tutoring
Maximizing Your Child's Learning Potential with the BrainCore Infinity™ Diagnostics Suite and MLAS™ using our cutting-edge BrainSense™ Personalization Platform
Be Your Greatest! More Than Just Tuition.

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