Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Our Method
Who are the Coaches?
All potential coaches have to go through a screening process that selects only those capable of delivering Personalised Learning sessions according to our requirements and pedagogy. Their educational qualifications are verified, and solo or group interviews will be held for shortlisted candidates. Subject mastery, personality tests and BrainCore Infinity™ Diagnostics Suite are carried out to ensure maximum compatibility of coaches for all our programmes. Coaches go through a training programme, mostly over our Online Training Platform, and a one-day practicum session. We conduct termly audits to ensure compliance to our methods, and also feedback received from students at the end of every session is reviewed about the coach's performance. Parents are also encouraged to provide us regular feedback to ensure all coaches are capable, competent, qualified and well-trained to deliver quality Quantus Learning methodology to every child in each and every session. We also conduct refresher courses along with mentorship to ensure our coaches are constantly updated. All our coaches are certified by Professional Education Council, our partner in training and professional development of our staff.
How many students are there in each class?
In each Qlass™ Studio, the maximum capacity is about 20-25 students. Different students will be facilitated by different coaches according to the coach:student ratio personalised to the child. Some students will be coached in groups of 8 with one coach, and some in smaller groups, or even 1-to-1, depending on the requirements and enrolment preferences. Every student will receive personalised attention from their coaches, despite being in a class of champions. The dynamics of students in a class plays a crucial role in motivating and sustaining interest in the children, as part of the EQnetics™ Module.
Can I upgrade the coach:student ratio?
Yes certainly. All students are encouraged to start out with the standard ratio of 1 coach to approximately 8 students. You may then upgrade the 1:8 ratio to 1:4, 1:2 or 1:1 even for studio-based Qlasses™.
How frequent are the sessions?
The standard frequency for each subject is once a week according to the Academic Calendar publicised before the start of each Academic Year. However, parents can choose to have more than one session per week for any subject. The Ultimate Booster Qlass™ option will be two sessions for each subject in a week. During SA1/SA2 preparation period, Intensive Revision Booster Sessions will be provided, and parents have the choice to plan and personalise the frequency of these sessions according to the child's needs.
Is the class mixed?
Most of the Qlasses™ are mixed with students taking different subjects and levels. However, some of these classes are homogenous. Do check the schedule for details of the demographics of the classes. As every child is receiving personalised attention, using our advanced pedagogy, it will create a neutral environment for all the students.
What can I do to help my child do even better in school?
For a start, do continuously to motivate your child, and ensure he has a routine he follows. Help your child to form positive habits, and great self-belief to keep doing well. On top of this, be very involved with your child's progress. Check on your child, and provide your feedback on the Facilitation Session Sheet (FSS), which is given to your child in every session. Do monitor your child's compliance to the method at Quantus Learning. It takes a SuperVillage to make a SuperChild!
Will there be assessments?
Yes there will be subject-specific assessments throughout the year. When your child first enrolls, the first session will be subject-specific to analyse your child's learning gaps, and to plan preparations for your child. Subsequently, throughout the whole programme, your child will be assessed in every session to understand the mastery levels of every learning milestones. On top of this, in preparation for school tests and exams, assessments are also conducted to help your child do even better.
How do you prepare my child for his school exams and class tests?
We always train our students to plan for their exams and tests. With our Success Planners, your child can record all the tests and exams details in them. From there, the coaches will guide the students to plan and prepare for the exams. Your child will then follow a specific exam-preparation programme during the period. Do let us know early in the Facilitation Session Sheets when the exams are taking place, so the coaches can plan ahead for your child.
What subjects and levels do you offer?
On top of the common subjects such as Languages, Sciences and Mathematics, we also offer other subjects such as humanities. We also offer these subjects at Preschool, Primary, Secondary, Pre-University levels. However, depending on the location, and subjects/levels, they will be subjected to availability, and there would be some waiting time involved as we want to ensure your child has the best and most compatible coaches.
Is Quantus Learning for everyone?
We believe so. Based on our research, we have shown that over 97% of students record improvement in their grades. The students we take in are of diverse abilities and starting points of academic abilities. We have also found strict compliance to our methods is key in ensuring success to the child. Understanding your child through the BrainCore Infinity™ Diagnostics Suite will help you to manage your expectations, and give you a reasonable timeframe to expect progress and improvement in your children.
How do I know if this method is for my child?
You can always sign up for a trial session and let your child experience Quantus Learning's method. With constant feedback from all parties, we can continue to chart the path to success for your child. At the same time, BrainCore Infinity™ Diagnostics Suite results will be helpful in understanding your child, and how your child can progress in Quantus Learning.
Do you have a trial session?
Yes we do, however, we have limited places for trial sessions. Do check out this page if you would like to sign up for a trial session.
What will my child be doing in each session?
Every session is 90 minutes. Quantus Personalised Learning™ is the World's Most Advanced Personalised Learning as we have incorporated and integrated effective tools, processes and pedagogies into every session. Your child will experience every element of the MEALS Kinetics™ System throughout the 90-minute sessions. Also, based on research on learning, the 90-minute sessions will be broken up into segments for different activities, including the EQnetics™ Module, Peak Learning Blocks, Brain Breaks, Review, Feedback and Communication, Home Study and S Kinetics. Each session is guided by our proprietary Personalised Learning Clock™ so that it helps to condition your child towards self-directness even when your child is no longer in a session. Your child will gain knowledge and understanding in the subject matter, at the same time, inculcate powerful skills and habits, to bring about exponential progress even beyond the sessions. With technology such as iLearn™, The Learning Helpline™, and more, your child can stay connected with Quantus Learning, and continue learning even beyond these sessions, based on Self-Directed Mastery Learning Pathways™ methodology.
If my child sign up for more than 1 subject, how is the programme like?
In each day of the schedule, we will have 90-minutes with 15-minute breaks in between them. If your child signs for two or more subjects, your child can attend the sessions on the same day, or on different days according to his convenience and availability. If your child attends two session on the same day, there would be a 15 minute break in between the two 90-minute sessions. We recommend a maximum of three 90-minute sessions in a day, and not more than that. Example: If your child signs up for 2 subjects, and is attending 2 session on the same day, your child's first session could be at 9am to 10.30am, with a 15-minute break, and then resume for the next subject at 10.45am to 12.15pm.
What materials do you give my child in every session?
For the first session/trial session, your child will receive his folder of scaffolding materials. Subsequent sessions, your child will receive personalised materials, including the Facilitation Session Sheet (FSS) for that session, a dual-OS tablet for himself, individualised resources based on the Multiple Intelligences your child has (digital resources, print resources and manipulative), worksheets, hand-outs, notes (depending on the sessions), and any other materials the coaches would want prepared for your child. As every session is personalised, your child can also do his homework or any other assignments if the coach deem it is appropriate for your child.
Is the method the same for home-based programme?
In general, we allow the parents to decide the preferred way of coaching your child. The default method would be similar to that used in our studio-based sessions. At times, coaches may prefer to use practice books or guide books, or any other resources. However, iLearn is always available for your child, and some of the technology provided will not be available to home-based students such as personal tablet. The major difference to the method would be the technology and resources the coach has access to at your home.
My child is very weak. How can you help him?
As Quantus Learning is based on personalised learning, your child will be able to go at his own pace. This is after the gaps of learning have been identified, and the coaches have planned and prepared your child for the learning pathway suitable to him. If your child is very weak, we would recommend increasing the number of sessions per week for the weaker subjects, and also upgrade the coaching ratio from 1:8 to 1:4, 1:2 or 1:1, or even home-based.
My child is already very strong academically. How can you help him to do even better?
With Self-Directed Mastery Learning Pathways™ method, coupled with the Book of Questions, The Learning Helpline™, iLearn™and other resources, your child can go as fast as he wants, and explore further topics at his own pace. With an inquisitive environment, your child can push himself harder, and be challenged to give even harder. With Home Study and MI projects, your child can be stretched further, and even be a Learning Buddy at our studios.
What do the results of the BrainCore Infinity™ Diagnostics Suite show about my child?
The results show two main components, one is the BrainPrint™ which provides the dominant intelligences your child has, and the other is the Cognitive Functions Score (CFS) which give an idea of your child's brain fitness level. Together, we use the results to formulate the most effective personalised learning programmes for your child. Based on the intelligences your child has, the coaches will plan and prepare sessions which will best utilise resources pertaining to his intelligences. As an example, if your child is Body Smart, the coach would provide clay or plasticine to help your child mould into models of topics he is learning in the session. Based on the CFS, we will be able to help your child through the Infinito™ Brain Fitness Training module. Every term, we will conduct special family workshops for you to learn more about your child's results, and how you can harness his unique giftedness to help him be his greatest.
Do you have workshops for parents?
Yes we do! We have a myriad of workshops for parents. Do look out for them on these pages:
What is the programme like for the entire academic year?
We believe in a wholesome integrated holistic approach for every child. Our Academic Year starts in December, one month before school opens for the year. When you child starts in the beginning of the academic year, your child will be part of a customised Head-start programme based on your child's availability throughout the month, and the requirements of yoiur child to prepare him before the start of the school year.
Every term, we organise compulsory workshops such as SuperMe™ (motivational workshops), SuperStudy™ Skills and Exam Prep Mastery™, to ensure your child has the best skills and habits to see him through the year. In the months during the school assessment periods such as for CA1, SA1, CA2 and SA2 (and major national examinations e.g. PSLE, N Level, O Level and A Level), we will provide booster sessions which can help your child to intensify his revision in preparation for these exams.
During school holidays, we have programmes to help your child prepare for Semester Assessments such as Mid-Year and End-of-Year exams, as well as major national examinations. Some of these workshops include Master Problem Sums for Primary Maths™, Perfect Score Method for Science™, Ultimate PSLE Camp™, Master O Level Maths™, Master O Level Science™, Ultimate PSLE Maths™, Ultimate PSLE Science™, Ultimate PSLE English™, and so on. Do keep a look out for them at these webpages:
I need to make an appointment to discuss about my child. How do I go about doing that?
Please contact us by clicking on the icon at the bottom right 'Message Us' via FB Messenger, WhatsApp, Call or Email or click on the Contact Us link to get in touch with us. The first appointment would be 30 minutes, charged at $50, and subsequent 1 hour would be $50. A suitable coach or consultant who is available will be assigned to you.
Will my child achieve success like all the other students who are successful?
We believe Every Child Deserves Success in School and life. We are confident at helping every child, however, success is not a simple process. There are various factors determing the success of your child. We are realistic and yet optimistic about your child's performance in Quantus Learning. The results of the BrainCore Infinity™ Diagnostics Suite will be able to provide a greater insight as to how much and how fast the progress of every child can be attained. We would like to advise every parent to be realistic and manage their expectations, as your child is unique.
If my child would to miss a session, how can he make up for it?
In the event of an absence from the sessions which have been scheduled, only medical reasons with valid medical certificate as evidence will be accepted. On such occasions, student will be able to choose another session as a make-up. There is a maximum of ONLY THREE make-up sessions per student under such circumstances in the entire Academic Year.
Parents/guardians are to inform us at least one week in advance of any make-up session in accordance to the reasons stated above. All make-up sessions are subject to availability. Students may do make-up at other branches of Quantus Learning, when there are available slots. However, they are to get confirmation from the Branch manager for availability of such sessions.
How long would it take for me to get a home-based coach?
Depending on the period of enrolment, we can take from as short as within 1 week to as long as 2 months, depending on the nature of your request. We believe in deploying only qualified and well-trained coaches. If you however would like to make exemptions to our hiring and deployment of coaches, you can let us know, and we can assist in getting a coach for your child in a shorter period of time. To start the process of enrolment for home-based programmes ,we'll require a $100 deposit to start the process of matching you with the best coaches we can deploy. You'll be refunded the deposit if we are not able to find you a suitable session within 8 weeks.
My child is signing up for 3 subjects. How would the sessions be then?
In each day of the schedule, we will have 90-minutes with 15-minute breaks in between them. If your child signs for two or more subjects, your child can attend the sessions on the same day, or on different days according to his convenience and availability. If your child attends two session on the same day, there would be a 15 minute break in between the two 90-minute sessions. We recommend a maximum of three 90-minute sessions in a day, and not more than that. Example: If your child signs up for 2 subjects, and is attending 2 session on the same day, your child’s first session could be at 9am to 10.30am, with a 15-minute break, and then resume for the next subject at 10.45am to 12.15pm.
I cannot fit my child's schedule to the Studio-based sessions. Will I be put on the waiting list? How does this work?
If your child's schedule does not fit, then your child will be put on a waiting list. We will notify you once a suitable session is available for your child. However, for us to secure a place for you at Quantus Learning, we'll need a deposit of $100 for us to put your on a waiting list. You'll be refunded the deposit if we are not able to find you a suitable session within 8 weeks.
Get Started (Enrolment, Payment, etc)
What is included in the Weekly Coaching Programme?
✓ BrainCore Infinity™ Diagnostics Suite (Every 6 Months)
✓ Infinito™ Brain Fitness Training (Unlimited Exercises for the month)
✓ Quantus Personalised Learning Programme Customised to your Child including Induction and Orientation Programme for first two sessions
✓ Weekly Coaching at any of our available studios or in your home depending on what you have signed up for
✓ 90-minute Session Per Week according to the Academic Calendar (Per Subject) using the Quantus Learning Method
✓ Weekly Facilitation Session Sheets after each session and Monthly Progress Review by Coach
Please read up on Our Method through this link for full information on the Quantus Personalised Learning™:
If I have chosen to upgrade to a smaller coaching ratio, how long would it take effect?
Typically, it could take us from as short as within one week to as long as 8 weeks after enrolment, depending on the time of the year, and the subject/level for the coaching. This is simillar for both home-based and studio-based coaching programmes. As it would be more efficient to start off with standard coaching ratio of 1:8, we'll start your child on this, while we get the coach ready for your child at the upgraded ratio. If you have opted for 1:4, 1:2 or 1:1, we will provide the coach at 1:1 first if you are agreeable, and get the ratio up to the one you have upgraded to. If you are not agreeable to this, we'll put your child at the 1:8 coaching ratio, while waiting for us to process the upgrade.
What are the fees I have to pay to enroll?
The monthly fees are incurred for our weekly coaching programmes. The other fees incurred include:
1. Registration fees (of new students) $50/student - one-time payment
2. Material fees per subject $50/semester (Dec to May, Jun to Nov) payable at point of registration, and in June for current students for Semester 2
3. Refundable deposit $100 upon online registration to confirm enrolment (will be refunded once all arrears are cleared)
What are the monthly fees for weekly coaching programmes for the different subject combinations, with all the different options, and discounts, promotions or packages?
Standard Monthly Fee Structure (Studio-based 1:8) with Multiple Subject Discounts
For Preschool Level
1 Subject $150/month
2 Subjects $220/month (after discount)
3 Subjects $290/month (after discount)
4 Subjects $360/month (after discount)
For Primary Level
1 Subject $180/month (after discount)
2 Subjects $280/month (after discount)
3 Subjects $380/month (after discount)
4 Subjects $480/month (after discount)
For Secondary Level
1 Subject $230/month (after discount)
2 Subjects $380/month (after discount)
3 Subjects $530/month (after discount)
4 Subjects $680/month (after discount)
For Junior College/Pre-University Level
1 Subject $280/month (after discount)
2 Subjects $480/month (after discount)
3 Subjects $680/month (after discount)
4 Subjects $880/month (after discount)
* For each subject enrolled in, the sessions are scheduled as in the Academic Year 2018 Time Table
Options available at additional charge:
1-to-1 Coaching: Preschool $17/hour, Primary $20/hour, Secondary $40/hour, Junior College/Pre-University $60/hour
1-to-2 Coaching: Preschool $9/hour, Primary $10/hour, Secondary $20/hour, Junior College/Pre-University $30/hour
1-to-4 Coaching: Preschool $5/hour, Primary $5/hour, Secondary $10/hour, Junior College/Pre-University $15/hour
* Subject to availability
Standard Monthly Fee Structure (Home-based)
For Preschool Level
$230/month per subject, add $200 per additional subject
For Primary Level
$280/month per subject, add $250 per additional subject
For Secondary Level
$330/month per subject add $300 per additional subject
For Junior College/Pre-University Level
$380/month per subject add $350 per additional subject
* For each subject enrolled in, the sessions are scheduled as in the Academic Year 2018 Time Table
Options available at additional charge:
Current/Former MOE teachers: additional $20/hour
* Subject to availability
Smart Parents Scheme ONLY FOR STUDIO-BASED
Sign up for 24 months (2 full years) and enjoy 25% further discount for studio-based only!
*Applicable for any combinations of subjects for all levels. Subject to availability.
*Not applicable with other promotions, discounts or special packages
For more details:
Ultimate Combo Package ONLY FOR STUDIO-BASED
Sign up for 12 months and enjoy further combo discounts for studio-based only!
2 Subjects Combo: 1 subject + 25% off 2nd Subject
3 Subjects Combo: 2 subjects + 50% off 3rd Subject
4 Subjects Combo: 3 subject + free 4th Subject
*Subject to availability
*Not applicable with other promotions, discounts or special packages
For more details:
Do you have a trial session?
Yes we do, however, we have limited places for trial sessions. The trial session is $50, and you will enjoy a waiver of $50 registration fee once you enroll after the trial.
Do check out this page if you would like to sign up for a trial session.
How much are the material fees? Why do I have to pay material fees?
Material fees per subject is $50/semester (Dec to May, Jun to Nov). The fees are payable at point of registration, and in June for current students for Semester 2. As every child's resources are individualised to their needs, there is no way of predicting exactly what your child will require in the entire way. We have made the material fees standardised for all students by a semester-basis. And further, there is no pro-ration of material fee for the semester. This is to incentivise parents who have signed up much earlier in the Semester, than compared to those who signed up only towards the end of a Semester.
Do you pro-rate monthly fees or the material fees?
Personalised learning involves planning and preparing the sessions for your child at least one month in advance. Our coaches would have prepared your child for at least one month ahead of time based on your child's requirement. Hence, our monthly fees are not pro-rated throughout the academic year. The only exception made is in the first month of enrolment with us, so that we can allow any student to join us at any point in time. However, we always do not pro-rate material fees, or registration fees. This is to incentivise parents who have signed up much earlier in the Semester, than compared to those who signed up only towards the end of a Semester.
Do I have to make any deposit payment?
Yes. There is a deposit payment of $100 per student needed. This amount is refundable.
When and how can I make payment?
All invoices for the month are to be paid before the first session of that month. You can make payment via Bank Transfer or Cash at our studios. If you prefer to make payments via other modes, do let us know. Our finance admin will follow up with you on the details of the payment.
Are there any promotions or discounts?
We do have promotions throughout the year. Do check out our Website, Facebook Page or Instagram for these promotions. Subscribe to The Quantus Newsletter to receive freebies, promotions, resources and more! Click here to subscribe to The Quantus Newsletter.
We have Multiple Subjects Discounts of Monthly Fees: 2 subjects - $50 discount, 3 subjects - $100 discount, 4 subjects - $150.
If you are signing up your children together, there is also Siblings Discount: $30 for each sibling that signs up.
Smart Parents Scheme ONLY FOR STUDIO-BASED
Sign up for 24 months (2 full years) and enjoy 20% further discount for studio-based only! *Fees are paid monthly, not one lump sum
*Applicable for any combinations of subjects for all levels. Subject to availability.
*Not applicable with other promotions, discounts or special packages
Please refer to the Smart Parents Scheme here. The terms and conditions are also given on the webpage:
Ultimate Combo Package ONLY FOR STUDIO-BASED
Sign up for 12 months and enjoy further combo discounts for studio-based only! *Fees are paid monthly, not one lump sum
2 Subjects Combo: 1 subject + 25% off 2nd Subject
3 Subjects Combo: 2 subjects + 50% off 3rd Subject
4 Subjects Combo: 3 subject + free 4th Subject
*Subject to availability
*Not applicable with other promotions, discounts or special packages. Please refer to the Ultimate Combo Package here. The terms and conditions are also given on the webpage:
Is there any contract?
There is no contract unless you have enrolled your child under the Smart Parents Scheme or the Ultimate Combo Package. Similarly, if you had enjoyed a promotion, there is a necessary enrolment of the full Academic Year.
For Smart Parents Scheme, the contract is 2 years/24 months to enjoy 25% discount for any combination of subjects for all levels. Subject to availability.
*Fees are paid monthly, not one lump sum
For more details:
For Ultimate Combo Package, the contract is 1 year/12 months to enjoy discounts for different subject combination:
2 Subjects Combo: 1 subject + 25% off 2nd Subject
3 Subjects Combo: 2 subjects + 50% off 3rd Subject
4 Subjects Combo: 3 subject + free 4
Subject to availability.
*Fees are paid monthly, not one lump sum
For more details:
What are the Terms and Conditions of enrolling my child into Quantus Learning?
The terms and conditions can be found in this webpage:
During the online registration process, we will require you to acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions before proceeding to confirm the enrolment of your child in Quantus Learning. Even if our admin staff has assisted you to carry out the online registration, you will be asked to acknowledge you have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions. There is no signing of physical document to indicate your agreement to these terms. By virtue of the online registration and enrolment of your child into our establishment, you have duly noted and agreed to the terms and conditions.
Will there be any refund? How do I withdraw my child?
There is only a refund of the $100 deposit upon withdrawal once all arrears have been cleared. Monthly fees are invoiced monthly and not by the sessions, following the sessions in the Academic Calendar.
All withdrawals require one-month advanced notice, and in lieu of such notice, there is a charge of one full month fees. There is no withdrawal from September onwards to help students prepare for their final exams in the last term of the school year. All monthly fees and semester material fees are still payable upon missing sessions or absence, or without official withdrawal. Personalised learning involves planning and preparing the sessions for your child at least one month in advance. Our coaches would have prepared your child for at least one month ahead of time based on your child's requirement. We require one full calendar month of advanced notice due to this reason.
In the event that you have signed up under the Smart Parents Scheme or Ultimate Combo Package, there will be penalties if you withdraw before the end of the contract. The penalties will be all the monthly fees and semestral material fees incurred throughout the entire remaining period.
To withdraw, please contact us, and we will provide you a webpage link to fill up an online withdrawal form.
Please read further on this in this webpage on our Terms and Conditions:
How many sessions are there in each month?
Typically for every subject, there will be 4 sessions. However, due to public holidays, and other events, there will be some months when the number of sessions will be fewer than 4. In the month of November, there is only 1 session per subject. As we provide booster sessions for our intensive revision programmes throughout the year, sessions are brought forward from the months when students have completed their major examinations.
PSLE and N Level: End of Exams, early October.
O Level and A Level: End of Exams, early November.
The monthly fees are still payable for the remaining months after the end of the examinations, as booster sessions have been brought forward to help the child intensify his revision. The booster sessions/intensive revision programme is made compulsory. And if parents decide not to provide these sessions to their children, the fees are still payable till the end of the Academic Year, and parents have the options of allowing the child to continue with the sessions after major examinations have ended. Parents have a choice to prepare the children for the coming school year. Example: Student completed the PSLE in early October. Took a break for 1 week, and parents decide for student to continue till first week of November. The student may start on Secondary 1 curriculum.
How is the programme like in the entire Academic Year?
We believe in a wholesome integrated holistic approach for every child. Our Academic Year starts in December, one month before school opens for the year. When you child starts in the beginning of the academic year, your child will be part of a customised Head-start programme based on your child’s availability throughout the month, and the requirements of yoiur child to prepare him before the start of the school year.
Every term, we organise compulsory workshops such as SuperMe™ (motivational workshops), SuperStudy™ Skills and Exam Prep Mastery™, to ensure your child has the best skills and habits to see him through the year. In the months during the school assessment periods such as for CA1, SA1, CA2 and SA2 (and major national examinations e.g. PSLE, N Level, O Level and A Level), we will provide booster sessions which can help your child to intensify his revision in preparation for these exams.
During school holidays, we have programmes to help your child prepare for Semester Assessments such as Mid-Year and End-of-Year exams, as well as major national examinations. Some of these workshops include Master Problem Sums for Primary Maths™, Perfect Score Method for Science™, Ultimate PSLE Camp™, Master O Level Maths™, Master O Level Science™, Ultimate PSLE Maths™, Ultimate PSLE Science™, Ultimate PSLE English™, and so on. Do keep a look out for them at these webpages:
When is the last day of session for my child?
According to the Academic Calendar, the last session in every year, is the first week of November, which is the end of every Academic Year. We will organise our annual event, OMG! Awards and Greatitude Day after this week. There will also be optional Coach-Parent Consultation Session during the Nov-Dec School Holidays to help parents and students review their progress made, and plan for the following year. For graduating students, the parents can opt their last session to be after their last exam paper. However, the monthly fees are still payable till end of the Academic Year (final invoice will be for November).
Ready to create greatness for your child?
Quantus Learning®
Brain-based Personalized Tutoring
Maximizing Your Child's Learning Potential with the BrainCore Infinity™ Diagnostics Suite and MLAS™ using our cutting-edge BrainSense™ Personalization Platform
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