Internationally Recognised, Award Winning Brand with Multi-Award Winning Educator Founder
Putting Research into Practice
20 Years in the Making
Continuous Growth and Improvement

20 Years Ago
The journey to developing a world-class personalised learning system that takes into account almost everything that will bring about greatness to every child. Founded based on the genuine belief that every child can succeed, and understanding the child so as to help every child give their best. The Learning Revolution was ignited.
5 Years Ago
The learning revolution started with the establishment of the first studio in Singapore. Research was conducted, and constant improvement to the learning systems. Technology was utilised to help every child learn effectively. Putting research into practice resulted in numerous amazing success stories from students of different starting points in their academic excellence. The Learning Revolution was taking place with tremendous results.
Present and Beyond
We are now at four studios all over Singapore, and opening our first few studios across the region, in Malaysia and Indonesia. The Learning Revolution is spreading.

Significance of Quantus Learning and its logo
Quantus is a latin word which means “how great”. We believe success all depends on the question of How Great do you want to be, which must be asked by the individual himself.
It also measures the amount of learning. We believe learning is an active process of acquiring units of learning, or quantum of learning. Each quantum of learning, brings about mastery of the subject matter.
Quantus, also has the word ‘us’ in it. It refers to the idea that the success of any individual is dependent on everyone of us, including the individual himself.
Quantus Learning believes that Every Child Deserves Success in School and Life. Read more about The Quest.
Our method to achieving this vision is to Put Every Child at the Centre of the Learning Universe. Read more about Our Method.

Every learning starts with a quest, or a question. Why? What? When, how? Who? Where? At Quantus, we believe learning is a quest, with the letter ‘Q’ at the centre of the logo. At the same time, the letter ‘Q’ is made to look like an individual (circle with a trailing line). We endeavour to put the child at the centre of the learning universe.
The surrounding multi-coloured dots symbolise the diversity of learners, and methods, tools and everything else there are in the learning universe. The coloured dots reflect our cornerstone methodology which is based on Learning Quantum™ dots. Every child connects the dots, in the best learning pathway for them. The single lone blue dot right at the top centre of the logo, shows that every student is the ultimate goal, right on top of everything else – no matter how small it looks to the outsiders, this blue dot, is the reason we exist – to help it achieve its greatest.
Quantus Learning is the provider of the World’s Most Advanced and Powerful Personalised Learning Systems. More than just tuition. Be Your Greatest!
Accolades and Awards

We join the ranks of the builder of the worlds’ tallest building, the repairer of the largest ship, the top producer of gold and steel, the top retailer and the top brand in hospitality, in our commitment to Quality, Innovation and Excellence.

Why International Award-Winning Quantus Learning® Achieves Over 98.3% Academic Success Rates for Our Students?

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Maximizing Your Child's Learning Potential with the BrainCore Infinity Diagnostics™ Suite and MLAS™
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Quantus Learning®
Brain-based Personalized Tutoring
Maximizing Your Child's Learning Potential with the BrainCore Infinity™ Diagnostics Suite and MLAS™ using our cutting-edge BrainSense™ Personalization Platform
Be Your Greatest! More Than Just Tuition.

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